Hugh Ross and Carolyn Church
In 1995 we sold our house and left the urban comforts of Milton Keynes
to go and
live in 30 acres of ancient woodland in Northamptonshire.
We moved into a caravan along with our seven year old son, Kier,
and our dog. We had no mains services, water came form a standpipe,
we used calor gas for cooking and lighting the caravan. Quite a
scary move at the time.
Our early priorities were building a composting toilet and establishing
a surfaced entrance and working within the wood, it’s amazing
how quickly gateways get muddy. We have since changed our home to a larger model to accommodate
a growing son and his books, and we also now have an electricity
supply. The composting toilet works brilliantly and produces the
compost to raise our young hazel seedlings.
For the first eight years, we were living on temporary
planning consents, but two years ago we were granted planning permission
to build an Oak timber framed house, which is our current DIY project.
The frame was constructed by ‘Traditional
Oak Carpentry’,
using traditional
building techniques, and incorporating some timber that came from
our woods. The frame is a work of art in itself. The roof went
on last
Autumn and it’s now up to us to finish
the building ourselves.
Looking back over the last ten years we’ve
spent in the woods it is fair to say that we’ve enjoyed most
aspects of our life here. The coppicing and restoration work we
have been
doing in the wood can be very physically demanding, but also very
fulfilling. We have now completed our first 10 year cycle and the
wood s flourishing, it no longer looks neglected, the rides have
been cleared and opened, and several thousand new trees have been
planted, as well as restoring the wood to a viable working coppice.
Our labours have been recognised with awards from both The Royal
Forestry Society and English Nature for our woodland management
and conservation, the most recent in 2011 being winner of the small woods section of the RFS Excellence in Woodlands Competition. We enjoy living here despite the long muddy
winters, there’s
always something new to see and you never stop learning. If we
have any regrets at all it is that we should have made the move
when we were twenty years younger.
We have now been living in our house for 3 years and enjoying the comforts of waking up in the winter and not seeing breath in the air and having to put on damp, mildewed clothing.