
Charcoal Bags
Rawhaw produced charcoal
Products for sale

Charcoal Bags

Hazel Woodland Products

Hazel Products - Pea Sticks, Bean Sticks, Traditional Pea Fans, Hazel Bean Stick, Hazel Plant, Stakes and Binders

Welcome to Rawhaw Wood, one of England's ancient woodlands, a site of special scientific interest, with a history of coppice management that goes back over four hundred years. (More about the wood's history.)

It is also our home, where we live and manage the wood. We produce a range of natural products from hazel (pea sticks, bean sticks, stakes and binders for traditional hedge laying), also charcoal and rustic furniture.

We hope this web site gives an insight into the wood. For those wanting to learn more, we offer courses in charcoal making, guided walks and school trips where we explain about coppice management and depending on the season can show you a variety of indiginous woodland flowers.

Hugh Ross and Carolyn Church


Rawhaw Wildlife
Rawhaw Wildlife

Rawhaw Flowers
Rawhaw Flowers